A bathometric survey of the Lake was taken in 2023. This survey shows the different depths of the lake and deepens our understanding of its shape.

Witney Lake and Country Park Charophytes Species
(Updated 16/08/24)
Common name | Species | Status | |
Emergent Plants | |||
Creeping Bent | Agrostis stolonifera | common | |
Wild Angelica | Angelica sylvestris | common | |
Lesser Pond-sedge | Carex acutiformis | common | |
Hairy sedge | Carex hirta | common | not included in wetland list |
False fox sedge | Carex obtrubae | common | |
Great Willowherb | Epilobium hirsutum | common | |
Reed sweet-grass | Glyceria maxima | common | |
Yellow Flag | Iris pseudacorus | common | |
Hard rush | Juncus inflexus | common | |
Gipsywort | Lycopus europaeus | common | |
Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | common | |
Water Mint | Mentha aquatica | common | |
Reed Canary-grass | Phalaris arundinacea | common | |
Branched Bur-reed | Sparganium erectum | common | |
Floating-leaved plants | |||
White Water-lily | Nymphaea alba | uncommon | |
Amphibious Bistort | Persicaria amphibia | common | |
Submerged plants | |||
Rigid Hornwort | Ceratophyllum demersum | uncommon | |
Opposite stonewort | Chara contraria | uncommon | Chara vulgaris var contraria |
Fragile stonewort | Chara globularis | uncommon | |
Nuttall’s Waterweed | Elodea nuttallii | common | |
Curly waterweed | Lagarosiphon major | common | not found 2004 |
Small Pondweed | Potamogeton berchtoldii | uncommon | |
Fennel Pondweed | Potamogeton pectinatus | common |
Results of the 2022 water vole surveys
Watercourse | Survey Code | NGR | Survey Results 2022 | Previous Survey Results (2019) | Survey Comments and Recommendations 2022 |
River Windrush (west bank) | WIN 025 | SP361086 | Positive (low density) | Negative | Banks very shaded in most places, apart from small section where water vole signs were recorded. Fencing installed all the way along west bank. Willow trees overhanging all the way along bank. Recommend some sensitive thinning of overhanging tree branches/scrub to allow more light to penetrate bank and thus encourage marginal and in-channel vegetation growth such as grasses and sedges (to provide food and shelter for water voles). Volunteer noted rubbish in channel. Possible mink scat recorded. |
River Windrush | WIN 026 | SP362090 | Positive (moderate density) | Positive (low density) | Volunteer was concerned that the middle of section on west bank was disturbed by tree felling at the time of survey. I reassured them that I imagined that water voles will have been considered and that the works had potential to open up the canopy and let more light in, thus encouraging more favourable marginal and in-channel vegetation growth. Evidence of water vole and otter also recorded by Lucy Stoddart and Lucy Kennery during guided walk for Lower Windrush Valley Project (20th anniversary event in April 2022). |
River Windrush (northern half of section – east bank) | WIN 026a | SP359086 | Negative | Positive (low density) | Not very accessible and therefore possible that signs were missed during survey. Trees dominant resulting in overshading of banks and therefore less favourable water vole habitat. Recommend some sensitive thinning of overhanging branches to allow more light to penetrate banks. Detected possible old burrows. Dirty water. |
River Windrush | WIN 027 | SP361093 | Positive (low density) | Negative (12 inconclusive burrows) | Himalayan balsam present at northern end of section – Recommend removal by uprooting plants by hand between April and June (before the flowers have set seed) to prevent further colonisation. NB inconclusive burrows (crayfish?) and 1 possible sighting (also inconclusive). |
River Windrush | WIN 027a | SP359090 | Negative (5 inconclusive burrows) | Negative (1 inconclusive burrow)
Most of bank inaccessible. Lots of overhanging and fallen trees. Recommend sensitive thinning of overhanging branches/scrub to allow more light to penetrate banks and encourage suitable marginal and in-channel vegetation growth. Rat droppings recorded. |
River Windrush | WIN 028 | SP35991 09659 | Positive (moderate density) | Positive (high density) | Himalayan balsam recorded along middle of section – Recommend removal by uprooting plants by hand between April and June (before the flowers have set seed) to prevent further colonisation. Otter spraint also recorded along section. |
River Windrush | WIN 028a | SP359094 | Negative | Negative | Trees dominant and therefore banks are overshaded. Recommend sensitive thinning of overhanging branches to allow more light in and thus encourage more suitable marginal and in-channel vegetation growth. Dirty water. |